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The “Entrepreneurship Initiative Hackathon” for the promotion of leadership and collaboration between Ukrainian civilians and representatives of Latvian society has taken place
A skills cluster for Ukrainian civilians has been established on the cloud platform “My Skills”
Within the framework of the project “STRONG TOGETHER – 2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ – 2”, an exhibition-fair “Strong Together” has taken place
The second integration event of the project “STRONG TOGETHER-2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-2” has taken place
The second integration event of the project “STRONG TOGETHER. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ” has taken place
The integration event within the project “STRONG TOGETHER. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ” has taken place
Notika projekta „STIPRI KOPĀ -2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ -2” saliedēšanās pasākums
The workshop on experience exchange ‘LEARNING BY DOING’ has been held by the association “Intellect Park”
The implementation of the project “My Latvian Language Portfolio,” Project No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/10, has started.
Project “My Latvian Language Portfolio” supported
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