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The representatives of the association “Intellect Park” participate in discussions on immigrant integration.
The annual international conference on humanities “January Readings” was held this year with the support of the “Intellect Park” association.
Visit of representatives of the Society Integration Foundation to the association “Intellect Park”
The video for the project “STRONG TOGETHER. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ” has been made.
The video for the project “STRONG TOGETHER-2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-2” has been made.
The “Entrepreneurship Initiative Hackathon” for the promotion of leadership and collaboration between Ukrainian civilians and representatives of Latvian society has taken place
A skills cluster for Ukrainian civilians has been established on the cloud platform “My Skills”
Within the framework of the project “STRONG TOGETHER – 2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ – 2”, an exhibition-fair “Strong Together” has taken place
The second integration event of the project “STRONG TOGETHER-2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-2” has taken place
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