
    ID No. 2023.LV/UKR_KO/2/18


    The general objective of the project - to provide cultural orientation courses and activities that foster collaboration between Ukrainian civilians and Latvian society.
    The specific objective of the project - to strengthen the awareness of Latvian history, culture, and society among Ukrainian civilians through the implementation of cultural orientation courses and socialization events. The project seeks to promote the inclusion of the target audience in Latvian society and encourage collaboration with the host community.
    Implementation period: 01.07.2023 – 31.12.2023

    • Implement cultural orientation courses and socialization events for the adaptation of Ukrainian civilians in Latvia
    • Enhance the understanding of Latvian history, culture, and society among Ukrainian civilians
    • Promote the integration of Ukrainian civilians into Latvian society and foster collaboration with the host community
    Christmas exhibition-fairCohesion eventsCultural orientation courses and educational excursionsIntegrationSocial Integration FundUkrainian residents in Latvia
    ID No. 2023.LV/UKR_KO/06


    The general objective of the project - to provide cultural orientation courses and activities that foster collaboration between Ukrainian civilians and Latvian society.
    The specific objective of the project - to strengthen the awareness of Latvian history, culture, and society among Ukrainian civilians through the implementation of cultural orientation courses and socialization events. The project seeks to promote the inclusion of the target audience in Latvian society and encourage collaboration with the host community.
    Implementation period: 01.07.2023 – 31.12.2023

    • Implement cultural orientation courses and socialization events for the adaptation of Ukrainian civilians in Latvia
    • Enhance the understanding of Latvian history, culture, and society among Ukrainian civilians
    • Promote the integration of Ukrainian civilians into Latvian society and foster collaboration with the host community
    Cohesion eventsCultural orientation courses and educational excursionsHackathonIntegrationSocial Integration FundUkrainian residents in Latvia
    ID No. AIF/2022/KAPAC2/108

    CAPITAL: Capacity for Growth and Further (Co)Operation

    Project implementation period: 01.08.2022 – 31.10.2023

    • Association's "Development Strategy"
    • Evaluation and update of the activities of the NGO network "Collaboration of Latgale Associations in Implementing Civic Society Activities"
    • Adoption of best practices from Norwegian NGOs
    • Acquisition of new methods for working with minority representatives and third-country nationals
    • Improvement of the association's website
    ACFCapacityCollaboration networks
    ID No. PMIF/12/2018/2/04
    IntegrācijaSabiedrības integrācijas fonds