
Supported project “Capital: capacity for growth and further (co)operation”

In January 2022, Daugavpils University Association for Lifelong Learning, Culture, and Science Communication “Intellect Park” participated for the first time in the Active Residents Fund project competition #6 “Capacity Projects” and received support for the implementation of the project “CAPITAL: Capacity for Growth and Further (Co)Operation,” ID No. AIF/2022/CAPAC2/108. The project commenced on August 1, 2022.

During the project implementation, the development strategy of the “Intellect Park” association will be formulated. The evaluation of the activities of the Latgale NGO network “Cooperation of Latgale Associations in Implementing Civic Society Activities” will take place, and the development plan for the future will be developed. Within the project, the association members will acquire new methods for working with representatives of ethnic minorities and third-country nationals. The project leadership will participate in an exchange visit to Norwegian NGOs, and the “Intellect Park” association’s website will be improved and updated.

Project Manager – Maija Burima

Project Coordinator – Inese Valtere

Assistant to the Project Manager – Eva Bogdāne