
ID No. SLG75024GR0075

Building Understanding of Hate Speech and Its Prevention in the Latvian Civic Community

The goal of the project - to develop a program, educational materials, and conduct a course called "We will teach how to prevent hate speech" in a format of a conversational club for third-country nationals, with the participation of Latvian citizens.
Implementation period- 18.09.2024. – 31.12.2024.

  • To develop a programme and educational materials for a set of structural discussions “We will teach how to prevent hate speech”.
  • To organise structural discussions for third-country nationals, young people and educators working with young people and adult citizens of Latvia, as well as third-country nationals.
  • To publish the study in the ICERI2024 international conference proceedings, presenting the experiences and conclusions gained during the implementation of the project to an international audience.
Children and youthCivil societyHate speechThird-country nationalsUSA Embassy in Latvia
ID No. 2024.LV/2/UKR_KO/023

“Let’s experience Latvia together”

The general aim of the project is to provide cultural orientation courses and three events for 236 Ukrainian civilians who are either preschool-aged children or of school-going age (grades 1-12), promoting cooperation between Ukrainian civilians and Latvian society.
Implementation period: 01.07.2024. – 31.12.2024.

  • To enhance understanding of the Latvian state, society, history, and culture.
  • To promote the improvement and use of Latvian language skills in the learning process and in the social and cultural activities of the local community.
  • To develop and strengthen Latvian language skills necessary for studying in Latvian and for integration into the Latvian education system and society.
  • To promote the well-being of Ukrainian civilian children in Latvia by utilizing various supportive therapy elements.
Bērni un jauniešiChildren and youthCivilian residents of Ukraine in LatviaConversational language clubCultural orientation courses and educational excursionsKultūrorientācijas kursi un mācību ekskursijasLatviešu valodas apguveLearning the Latvian languageSabiedrības integrācijas fondsSarunu valodas klubsSociety Integration FoundationUkrainas civiliedzīvotāji Latvijā