
    ID No. 2025.LV/NVOF/MAC/071

    The Power of Involvement

    The aim of the project is to implement a set of measures and initiatives that will promote the integration of two strategic target groups of the Society, i.e. third-country nationals residing in Latvia and individuals aged 50+ and seniors, into civil society. This will be achieved by enhancing the civic competences and participation models of both the project implementers and the target groups, thereby strengthening the sustainable development of civil society and democracy in Latvia.

    • During the project, the Society’s international dimension will be expanded by establishing cooperation with the societies in Italy and Sweden that use innovative approaches in working with third-country nationals, individuals aged 50+ and seniors, promoting their integration and socialization into civil society.
    • A panel discussion titled “From Challenges to Opportunities: Integration of Third-Country Nationals in Latvia” will be organized, where the Society’s perspective on the effective integration of third-country nationals into Latvian society will be presented.
    • The networking event organized by the Society will ensure cooperation with other NGOs in Latvia that represent the project’s target audience - individuals of “silver age” and third-country nationals.
    • The project will help to maintain and develop the skills cluster cloud tool “MySkills” (, which aims to promote mutual cooperation and integration of third-country nationals into the Latvian economy, support the development of small businesses in Latvia, and facilitate interaction with the host society – the Latvian population.
    50+NVOPilsoniska sabiedrībaSudraba vecumsTrešo valstu pilsoņi
    ID No. 2025/1.17-LA-SAD-1

    Text Lab (TekstLAB)

    Text Lab (TekstLAB) is an online platform for learning creative writing, offering courses and consultations in various genres and languages. Its purpose is to promote writing in Latvia and the diaspora, attracting new writers to the cultural space of Latvia. Classes are held remotely and there is no age limit for participants.

    Literārie lasījumiLiteraturaliteratūrkritikaTulkošana
    ID No. SLG75024GR0075

    Building Understanding of Hate Speech and Its Prevention in the Latvian Civic Community

    The goal of the project - to develop a program, educational materials, and conduct a course called "We will teach how to prevent hate speech" in a format of a conversational club for third-country nationals, with the participation of Latvian citizens.
    Implementation period- 18.09.2024. – 31.12.2024.

    • To develop a programme and educational materials for a set of structural discussions “We will teach how to prevent hate speech”.
    • To organise structural discussions for third-country nationals, young people and educators working with young people and adult citizens of Latvia, as well as third-country nationals.
    • To publish the study in the ICERI2024 international conference proceedings, presenting the experiences and conclusions gained during the implementation of the project to an international audience.
    Children and youthCivil societyHate speechThird-country nationalsUSA Embassy in Latvia
    ID No. PMIF/13.4./2024/1/01

    The Opportunity Society. Intercultural Communication Training for Professionals from Various Fields to Strengthen the Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals

    The general aim of the project "Opportunity Society. Intercultural Communication Training for Professionals in Various Fields to Strengthen the Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals" is to promote the realization of fundamental rights of third-country nationals and their inclusion in Latvian society by improving access to services and the quality of services. Implementation period – 01.09.2024. - 31.10.2026.

    • To build understanding of constructive dialogue between third-country nationals and Latvian society.
    • To improve the knowledge of professionals in various fields about societal diversity and intercultural communication.
    AMIFIntegrācijaIntegrationIntercultural communicationMinistry of CultureProfessionals from various fieldsSocietal diversityThird-country nationalsTrešo valstu pilsoņi
    ID No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/10

    My Latvian Language Portfolio

    The goal of the project is to foster the development of Latvian language competence among third-country nationals, improving the language usage in daily communication and promoting their full participation in all areas of social life.
    Project implementation period: 01.08.2023. – 31.07.2026.

    • The development of Latvian language competence for third-country nationals
    • Improving the use of the Latvian language in everyday communication
    • Promoting full participation in all areas of social life
    AMIFConversation language clubIntegrācijaIntegrationMinistry of CultureSarunu valodas klubsThird-country nationals