
The first stage of the training for members of the association “Intellect park” took place

On February 23, 2023, the first stage of training for members of the association “Intellect Park” took place. The training focused on “Managing personnel, finances, and risks to ensure continuous operation of the organization, using the strengths of each member in the association’s operational efficiency.” Thirty members participated in the training session.

The training session, led by Daina Einberga, the author of the well-known personality development and motivation programme, was conducted in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere. Daina’s charisma and the suggestive way of presenting information captivated everyone present. The first part of the training day was dedicated to coaching, which aimed to develop members’ orientation towards achieving results. All participants familiarized themselves with the theoretical aspects of coaching and tried to apply them in practice by collaborating with other members, working in pairs and groups. This resulted in the identification of each member’s roles and tasks, as well as recognizing individual potential and skills for achieving the association’s goals.

In the second part of the training, members were introduced to a previously unfamiliar practice – supervision. During this session, the members identified the strengths and weaknesses of both the individuals and the association. Participants articulated their positions, learned to understand emotions, and explored the boundaries of responsibility. New ideas were formulated, measures to prevent professional burnout were discussed, and overall, collaboration skills were improved and interpersonal relationships strengthened.

After the training despite all the tiredness most members of the association admitted that the sessions were very valuable, not only for strengthening the capacity of the association but also for their personal growth.

The next training session is scheduled for March 9, 2023, and to be led by Ērika Pičukāne, a methodologist from the Latvian Language Agency.

The training was supported by the Active Citizens Fund project “CAPITAL: Capacity for Growth and Further (Co)Operation,” grant agreement No. AIF/2022/KAPAC2/108.