
The first group of Latvian language courses within the project “My Latvian Language Portfolio” has concluded.

The Latvian language courses for the first group of the project “My Latvian Language Portfolio” have concluded. During this time, the participants significantly expanded their vocabulary, strengthened their speaking and writing skills, as well as their listening and reading comprehension abilities. Their confidence in using the language has noticeably increased. Half of the participants have successfully passed the A2 level National Language Proficiency Exam. The remaining group members will take the exam on February 2 and February 15, 2024.


The final lesson was very heartfelt, during which the course participants expressed their gratitude to the teacher Maija Burima for her responsiveness, empathy, and understanding.

One of the course participants said: “Maija, you have given us such good foundations in the Latvian language that allow us, if there is motivation, to further develop our language skills. You yourself know what a great teacher you are, and what’s important is that you have organized everything for us step by step. It’s now up to our motivation, desire, and abilities, but the fact that you helped us fall in love with the language and showed its possibilities personally means a lot to me. Thank you so much for your wonderful work!”


A big thank to all course participants for their involvement and hard work! We are very proud of your achievements, and we will continue to provide opportunities for you to further learn the Latvian language with such motivation and support!


The courses are organized within the framework of Activity 13.2 “Integration of Third-Country Nationals into Local Society, Promoting Opportunities for the Use and Acquisition of the Latvian Language” of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the 2021-2027 planning period, within the project “My Latvian Language Portfolio”, Grant No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/10.