

Daugavpils University Association for Lifelong Learning, Cultural and Science Communication “Intellect Park” participated in the competition of the Latvian state budget-funded programme “Cultural Orientation Courses and Inclusion Activities for Ukrainian Civilians” and received financial support for the project “STRONG TOGETHER. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ”, ID No. 2023.LV/UKR_KO/06!

The general objective of the project – to provide cultural orientation courses and activities that foster collaboration between Ukrainian civilians and Latvian society.

The specific objective of the project – to strengthen the awareness of Latvian history, culture, and society among Ukrainian civilians through the implementation of cultural orientation courses and socialization events. The project seeks to promote the inclusion of the target audience in Latvian society and encourage collaboration with the host community.

Target group: 260 Ukrainian civilians and 25 representatives from the host community.

Implementation venues: Daugavpils, Krāslava municipality, Preiļi municipality, Rēzekne municipality, Rīga – for in-person activities; throughout Latvia – for remote activities.

Implementation period: July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

Project budget: 60,000 EUR.

Project manager: Maija Burima.

Activities and Results:

1) The knowledge gained in cultural orientation courses will shape Ukrainian civilians’ awareness of the statehood, society, and values of Latvia. These courses will provide inspiration for the transfer of the acquired knowledge, promoting adaptation within Latvian society. Cultural orientation courses will be implemented through in-person, remote, and hybrid formats.

2) The integration event “STRONG TOGETHER” will shape Ukrainian civilians’ perception of public life processes, values, and communication models in Latvia. Practical activities and workshops will foster new frameworks and networking between Latvian and Ukrainian residents. Successful small businesses will share their experience, and the potential for entrepreneurial initiatives will be identified.

3) Participants of the entrepreneurship initiative hackathon, “Promoting Leadership and Collaboration between Ukrainian Civilians and Representatives of Latvian Society”, will enhance collaboration and leadership skills. They will develop original business ideas, evaluating opportunities to integrate into the Latvian business paradigm.

The project is financially supported by the Society Integration Foundation from the allocated funds of the Latvian state budget.

The content of the project activities is overseen by the Daugavpils University Association for Lifelong Learning, Cultural and Science Communication “Intellect Park”.