ID Nr. PMIF/12/2018/2/04

Intercultural communication training for specialists: ‘Intercultural dialogue”

IntegrācijaSabiedrības integrācijas fonds

Funding for the project: 75% from the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund and 25% from the Latvian state budget.

The project is supported by funding available within the planning period of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund for 2014-2020 (75%) and state budget funds (25%), in accordance with the distribution of funds specified in Paragraph 19 of Cabinet Regulation No. 433.

Project implementation time – August 1, 2022 – October 30, 2023.

Project implementation time – 2022. gada 1. augusts – 2023. gada 30. oktobris
Budget – 47 395,48 EUR
Project manager – Maija