
ID No. 2024.LV/LVUKR//007/L19

Latvian Language Classes for Ukrainian Civilians 2024

Project no. 2024.LV/LVUKR//007/L19 supported by the programme “Latvian Language Classes for Ukrainian Civilians”

IntegrationLatvian language learningSociety Integration FoundationUkrainian Civilians in Latvia
ID No. AIF/2022/KAPAC2/108

CAPITAL: Capacity for Growth and Further (Co)Operation

Project implementation period: 01.08.2022 – 31.10.2023

  • Association's "Development Strategy"
  • Evaluation and update of the activities of the NGO network "Collaboration of Latgale Associations in Implementing Civic Society Activities"
  • Adoption of best practices from Norwegian NGOs
  • Acquisition of new methods for working with minority representatives and third-country nationals
  • Improvement of the association's website
ACFCapacityCollaboration networks