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The “Business Initiative Hackathon” has taken place
A women’s networking event, “STRONG TOGETHER”, will take place
Through interactive methods, the youth of Daugavpils have developed competencies in preventing hate speech
“Intellect Park” representatives participated in the Latgale regional seminar on EPALE – opportunities of the electronic platform Adult Learning in Latvia.
The second event of the project “STRONG TOGETHER-3. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-3” has been completed
Online conversation language club “I Want to Talk to You” within the project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”
Remote cultural orientation courses within the project “STRONG TOGETHER – 3. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ – 3” have started
Congratulations on the Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia!
Participation of representatives of the society “Intelekta Parks” at the ICERI 2024 conference in Seville
The educational excursion within the project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”
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