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A meeting of the Society Integration Foundation and the Society “Intellect Park” has taken place
An ERASMUS+ intern from Italy joins the “Intellect Park” team
The project “The Power of Involvement” has been approved
The project “Building Understanding of Hate Speech and Its Prevention in the Latvian Civic Community” has been successfully concluded
The project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”, ID No. 2024.LV/2/UKR_KO/023/L2, has been successfully completed
The project “STRONG TOGETHER – 3. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ – 3”, ID Nr. 2024.LV/UKR_KO/003/L2, has been successfully completed
The online sessions of the cultural orientation course within the project “STRONG TOGETHER – 3. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ – 3” have been completed
The “Business Initiative Hackathon” has taken place
A women’s networking event, “STRONG TOGETHER”, will take place
Representatives of the US Embassy in Latvia visited the association “Intelekta Parks”.
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