
The in-person classes of the cultural orientation course within the project “STRONG TOGETHER – 3” have concluded.

Within the framework of the Latvian state budget-funded programme “Cultural Orientation Courses and Integration Events for Ukrainian Civilians”, under the project “STRONG TOGETHER–3” (ID No. 2024.LV/UKR_KO/003/L2), cultural orientation courses took place in person in Daugavpils from August 21, 2024, to August 31, 2024. Twenty Ukrainian civilians participated, gaining both theoretical and practical knowledge under the guidance of experienced instructors, which will enable them to adapt more easily and effectively to Latvian society.

The 32-hour course covered the following topics: “History of Latvia” (Mg. hist., Mg. paed. Andris Kupšāns); “Values of the Latvian Cultural Canon” (Dr. philol. Žans Badins); “Public Administration, Rule of Law, and Participation in Local Community Activities” (Dr. iur. Igors Trofimovs); “Society and Everyday Life” (Dr. philol. Ingrīda Kupšāne); “Education” (Dr. paed. Sandra Zariņa); “Latvian Language in Work and Daily Life” (Dr. paed. Sandra Zariņa); “Social and Healthcare Services” (Mg. paed. Jānis Pitrāns); “Opportunities for Starting a Business” (Mg. oec. Tatjana Daudiša).

The participants looked forward to participating in each class with joy and enthusiasm, as the instructors, with their rich professional experience, diverse teaching materials, and dedicated approach, made each meeting special. The course teachers engaged participants and found an individual approach for everyone, providing a wealth of information that allowed for a deeper understanding of Latvia, its society, and various aspects of life.

The Ukrainian civilians actively asked questions, participated in discussions, and provided feedback on the lectures. The target audience of the project gained an understanding of Latvia’s history, social and cultural environment, broadened their outlook on the economy, business opportunities, healthcare and social services.

The participants of the cultural orientation courses acknowledged that the classes were an excellent opportunity to learn about Latvia’s statehood, society and values, as well as to receive answers to relevant and pressing questions.