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Online conversation language club “I Want to Talk to You” within the project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”
The in-person sessions of the conversational language club “I Want to Talk to You” within the framework of the project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”, have concluded
The project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together” has been approved
The first cohesion event of the project “STIPRI KOPĀ-3. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-3” (STRONG TOGETHER-3) took place
The association “Intellect Park” has concluded a partnership agreement with a Norwegian NGO
The project “STRONG TOGETHER-2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-2” with ID No. 2023.LV/UKR_KO/2/18 has been successfully completed.
The project “STRONG TOGETHER. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ” with ID No. 2023.LV/UKR_KO/2/18 has been successfully completed.
The video for the project “STRONG TOGETHER-2. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ-2” has been made.
The integration event within the project “STRONG TOGETHER. СИЛЬНІ РАЗОМ” has taken place
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