
Cultural orientation courses within the project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”

In September 2024, Daugavpils University Association for Lifelong Learning, Culture, and Science Communication “Intellect Park” began implementing cultural orientation courses as part of the Latvian state-funded programme “Cultural Orientation Courses and Integration Activities for Ukrainian Civilians”. This initiative is part of the project “Let’s Experience Latvia Together”, ID No. 2024.LV/2/UKR_KO/023. The participants of these courses are school-aged Ukrainian civilians. The cultural orientation courses are held remotely via the ZOOM e-conference platform.

In these courses, children and young people have the opportunity to expand their knowledge on topics such as “Latvian History, Culture, and Values”, “Government Administration and the Rule of Law”, “Latvian Language at School and in Daily Life”, and “A Journey through the Most Beautiful Places in Latvia”. The sessions not only help participants to better understand the country of Latvia, its history and culture, but also to become aware of the values of its society, which facilitates smoother integration into both school and daily life.

During each session the educators apply interactive teaching methods and support materials tailored to the age group of the children and young people. A relaxed and inclusive atmosphere is fostered, along with an individualized approach, ensuring that every meeting is eagerly anticipated, engaging, and productive. The participants enjoy sharing their experiences of living in Latvia – attending school, cultural events, and traveling around Latvia with family and friends.

Upon finishing the courses, the participants will receive a certificate acknowledging their completion of the course programme.