ID Nr. 2025.LV/NVOF/MAC/071

The Power of Involvement

50+NVOPilsoniska sabiedrībaSudraba vecumsTrešo valstu pilsoņi

The project “The Power of Involvement” within the programme “NGO Fund” financed by the Latvian state budget, ID No. 2025.LV/NVOF/MAC/071.

The aim of the project is to implement a set of measures and initiatives that will promote the integration of two strategic target groups of the Society, i.e. third-country nationals residing in Latvia and individuals aged 50+ and seniors, into civil society. This will be achieved by enhancing the civic competences and participation models of both the project implementers and the target groups, thereby strengthening the sustainable development of civil society and democracy in Latvia.

The set of activities implemented within the project will promote mutual trust, participation, and cooperation among societal groups, foster understanding of inclusive civic engagement, and strengthen the capacity of the Society by training and preparing its members for effective work with strategic target groups, while attracting new members and volunteers. During the project, the Society’s international dimension will be expanded by establishing cooperation with the societies in Italy and Sweden that use innovative approaches in working with third-country nationals, individuals aged 50+ and seniors, promoting their integration and socialization into civil society. A panel discussion titled “From Challenges to Opportunities: Integration of Third-Country Nationals in Latvia” will be organized, where the Society’s perspective on the effective integration of third-country nationals into Latvian society will be presented.

The networking event organized by the Society will ensure cooperation with other NGOs in Latvia that represent the project’s target audience – individuals of “silver age” and third-country nationals. The project will help to maintain and develop the skills cluster cloud tool “MySkills” (, created in 2023 by the Society, which aims to promote mutual cooperation and integration of third-country nationals into the Latvian economy, support the development of small businesses in Latvia, and facilitate interaction with the host society – the Latvian population.

The project is financially supported by the Society Integration Foundation from the funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture of the Latvian state budget.
The content of the project is the responsibility of the Daugavpils University Society for Lifelong Learning, Culture, and Science Communication “Park of Intellect”.

Project implementation time – January 1, 2025 - October 31, 2026
Budget – 80000,00 EUR
Project manager – Maija Burima

Project news