
“Learning Latvian is like being born again” – Third-country nationals take pride in their Latvian language skills

During the second phase of “My Latvian Language Portfolio” project (No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/10) under 2021-2027 planning period of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund, 10 training groups comprising 148 third-country nationals from Armenia, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and New Zealand participated in Latvian language courses from January 15 to June 26, 2024. These courses were offered at A1, A2, and B1 proficiency levels, with 6 groups meeting in-person and 4 remotely.

Upon completion, all participants took a test and received a certificate validating the completion of the 120-hour language course. Remote participants received their certificates by mail, while some visited the association’s office to meet the project team and instructors, creating memorable and positive experiences.

The project met its mandatory requirement, achieving a 98% completion rate for the National Center for Education (VISC) language proficiency test. Of those tested, 47% passed at the appropriate level. A survey revealed that over half of the respondents experienced significant improvement in their Latvian skills, with 70% reporting a decrease in the psychological “barrier” to using the language. Additionally, 65% noted a substantial increase in their motivation to use Latvian in daily life and official contexts.

To enhance engagement and gather more detailed feedback, organizers created a video featuring participant testimonials. Daria Shatilova, one of the participants, commented, “Learning Latvian is like being born again!” – a sentiment meant to inspire those hesitant to start learning Latvian.

The Latvian language courses were organized as part of the project “My Latvian Language Portfolio” (No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/10), under activity 13.2. of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund’s 2021-2027 planning period, which aims to promote the inclusion of third-country nationals into the local community by enhancing the use and learning of the Latvian language